Friday, May 3, 2019

Love, Loss & What I Wore—Triangle Productions!—NE Portland

        Clothes Make the Woman

    This all-female, ensemble piece is written by Nora Ephron and Delia Ephron (based on the book & drawings by Ilene Beckerman) and directed and designed by Donald Horn.  It is playing at their space, 1785 NE Sandy Blvd. (free parking lot to the West of the bldg.), through May 25th.  For more information, go to their site at or call 503-239-5919.

    Being a male, I can certainly appreciate and be attracted by the alluring, mysterious creature that is a Woman, as all males probably are.  I may have a bit of an inside tract, as some of my best friends and deepest conversations have involved females.  But I still have to admit, even then, a black hole of understanding of what makes them tick.  According to the rhyme, they are “made up of sugar and spice and everything nice,” but I think, even they would disagree with that description.  After all, “puppy-dog tails” are one of the males’ main ingredients and I would beg to differ with that, too.

    And so, the main topic of this very engaging and talented ensemble of women:  Michelle Maida, Deanna Wells, Lisamarie Harrison, Trish Egan and Olivia Weiss,  is clothes and how it affects their lives, through thick and thin, till death do you part.

    These remarkable actors relate the stories of, even when a girl is little, she is aware of colors and has a certain fashion sense, at least she knows what she likes and doesn’t like.  She also, not surprisingly, depending on her relationship with her mother, will find her tastes similar or not at all appealing.  But Daddies usually tend to favor their daughter’s whims and will indulge them.

    As they grow, they will follow various trends in clothing, watching what others are wearing and discarding what doesn’t suit them.  Some are involved with the social elite, or the gangs, or are individual-minded and strike out on their own path.  And Fashion guides their steps into relationships, love, marriage, divorce, business, family, et. al.  And, keeping in mind, every aspect of one’s appearance is important…weight, make-up, accessories, scent, and how they handle themselves.

    There is so much more to their stories but you really need to hear them tell these tales, as the emotions and relationships shine through in their artistic spins on various incidents.  And they are all powerful tales but must be seen and heard to be fully appreciated.  These ladies weave in and out of their stories like a finely woven knitted fabric, each co-dependent on each other, to create the ultimate masterpiece—A Woman!

    Horn, has always, never fails to educated and entertain in his selections of plays and this is no exception.  To say this is for an all-female audience would be a mistake.  It is as much for the males to gain insight into womanhood, as well as it would be for Youth.  My choice for what attracts me in a female—a tomboy, which I guess, doesn’t fit any of the characters portrayed…oh, well.

    I recommend this play.  If you do choose to see it, please tell them Dennis sent you.

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